General Info
MANOLO will additionally address mobile applications of AI, where privacy is a main concern that leads to low feature adoption. The project will employ computer vision models across the cloud-edge continuum for image classification and face detection, aiming to enhance trustworthiness and incorporate privacy by design.
Industrial Robots
MANOLO will be stress-tested in the rapidly evolving domain of agile manufacturing. This use case will focus on the integration of a mobile manipulator under industrial shopfloor scenarios, where small batch production or manufacturing as a service call upon constant adaptation to new production requirements. At the same time, aligning with the principles of Industry 5.0, the human factor will be of paramount importance, with the robot expected to interact with humans in real time.
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Robots in Healthcare
This use case will focus on testing assisting living scenarios with a mobile manipulator taking the role of a companion robot. This is a highly demanding use case where the human factor is of paramount importance, with safety and agile performance critical.
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Mobile Devices in Telecoms
This use case will evaluate the introduction of computer vision models for mobile applications, across the cloud-edge continuum and according to the MANOLO framework, its methods and practices, aiming to enhance trustworthiness and incorporate privacy by design.
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Wearables in Healthcare
This use case will evaluate the impact of the MANOLO framework on sleep monitoring and memory improvement using wearables. The current combination of centralized DDN and ML algorithms, which are used for continuously decoding EEG activity, will be re-assessed in a cloud-edge continuum configuration.
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